Glossary Of Terms

Table of Contents

Product Listing and Inventory

ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number)

ASIN stands for Amazon Standard Identification Number, a unique 10-character alphanumeric identifier assigned by Amazon to every product listed on its platform. This identifier is central to Amazon’s inventory management and product cataloging system. It helps in accurately tracking, managing, and distinguishing each product. ASINs are used in every Amazon marketplace, ensuring that the same product is identifiable across different regional websites. When a new product is listed, Amazon either assigns a new ASIN or, if the product already exists in the database, attaches it to the existing ASIN, thus facilitating product searches, listings, and reviews consolidation.

SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)

SKU, or Stock Keeping Unit, is a unique code that a retailer assigns to a product, allowing them to track its inventory and sales. SKUs are alphanumeric and typically contain information about the product’s characteristics, such as brand, size, color, and type. In the context of Amazon, sellers use SKUs for their internal inventory management to track stock levels, monitor sales, and understand product performance. Unlike ASINs, which are Amazon-specific, SKUs are unique to each seller or business and are not used for customer-facing activities.

FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon)

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service provided by Amazon where sellers store their products in Amazon’s fulfillment centers, and Amazon takes responsibility for storage, packing, shipping, customer service, and returns for these products. This service allows sellers to leverage Amazon’s vast logistics network and customer service expertise. Products fulfilled through FBA are eligible for Amazon Prime and other Amazon-managed shipping options, which can increase their visibility and appeal to customers. FBA simplifies the selling process for merchants and can enhance customer satisfaction with faster delivery times.

FBM (Fulfillment by Merchant)

Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) is a method of selling on Amazon where the seller is responsible for storing, packing, and shipping their products directly to customers. Unlike FBA, where Amazon handles fulfillment, FBM gives sellers more control over their inventory and shipping processes. This option can be more cost-effective for products with lower turnover rates or for sellers who already have established logistics systems. FBM sellers are responsible for customer service and handling returns, allowing them to have direct interaction with their customers. However, FBM products typically do not qualify for Amazon Prime, which may affect their competitiveness against FBA listings.

Product Title Optimization

Product Title Optimization on Amazon refers to the strategic crafting of product titles to improve visibility and click-through rates in search results. A well-optimized title accurately and concisely describes the product, incorporating relevant keywords that potential buyers are likely to use when searching. Effective titles typically include brand names, product type, key features (like size or color), and other relevant details. This optimization is crucial as it not only influences a product’s search ranking on Amazon but also impacts the first impression it makes on customers, thereby affecting click-through and conversion rates.

Bullet Points

Bullet Points on Amazon product listings are concise, easy-to-read highlights that provide key product features and benefits. Typically located in the ‘About this item’ section, these bullet points are crucial for conveying essential information in a quick, scannable format. Effective bullet points often include product usage, dimensions, compatibility, unique selling propositions, and any other important details that distinguish the product. Well-crafted bullet points can improve customer understanding, enhance search visibility, and positively impact purchase decisions.

Product Descriptions

Product Descriptions on Amazon are detailed narratives that provide comprehensive information about a product. They complement the bullet points by offering more in-depth insights, such as usage instructions, background information, and detailed feature explanations. A well-written product description can enhance customer engagement and confidence in purchasing decisions. It’s also an opportunity to infuse more keywords for SEO purposes and to tell a compelling story about the product, highlighting its benefits and differentiating it from competitors.

Product Images

Product Images on Amazon are critical visual elements that showcase a product. High-quality, clear, and detailed images can significantly influence a customer’s decision-making process. Amazon’s guidelines for images include having a white background, high resolution, and the product occupying a significant portion of the image space. Sellers are encouraged to use multiple images showing different angles, close-ups, and, if applicable, the product in use. Effective product images enhance the listing’s appeal, provide a better understanding of the product, and can lead to higher conversion rates.

Inventory Management

Inventory Management in the context of Amazon selling involves maintaining optimal stock levels to meet customer demand without overstocking. Effective inventory management requires balancing the need to have enough inventory to avoid stockouts (which can negatively impact sales and seller rankings) and minimizing excess stock (which can increase storage costs and risks of obsolescence). It involves forecasting demand, monitoring stock levels, and planning for seasonal fluctuations or promotional events. Proper inventory management is crucial for maintaining a good sales rank and providing a reliable customer experience on Amazon.

Buy Box

The Buy Box is a critical feature on Amazon product pages where customers can begin the purchase process by adding items to their shopping carts. Winning the Buy Box means that your offer is the default choice when customers click the “Add to Cart” or “Buy Now” buttons. Eligibility for the Buy Box depends on various factors including price, availability, fulfillment method, seller performance, and customer service. Securing the Buy Box is highly competitive but crucial, as it significantly increases the chances of making a sale.

Variation Listings

Variation Listings on Amazon allow sellers to group similar products under one single listing. These variations can be different sizes, colors, flavors, or any other significant differentiating factor. This approach enables customers to compare and select products based on their desired attributes from a single page, improving the shopping experience. Variation listings help in keeping the product catalog organized, can lead to better search relevance, and often result in higher conversion rates by offering customers a convenient way to browse through different options of a similar product.

A+ Content (Enhanced Brand Content)

A+ Content, formerly known as Enhanced Brand Content (EBC), is a feature on Amazon that allows brand owners to modify product descriptions with rich text and images. A+ Content can include detailed descriptions, charts, images, and comparison tables to help businesses showcase their brand and educate customers about product features and benefits. This enhanced content can lead to higher conversion rates, increased traffic, and improved customer retention by providing a more engaging and informative shopping experience. It’s particularly useful for differentiating products in a competitive marketplace and building brand loyalty.

Amazon Advertising

Sponsored Products

Sponsored Products are a form of advertising on Amazon where sellers can promote individual product listings through keyword-targeted ads. When a shopper searches for a keyword that matches the seller’s chosen keywords, their product ad can appear in search results and on product detail pages. This pay-per-click model allows sellers to only pay when a potential customer clicks on their ad. Sponsored Products are an effective way to increase visibility and sales of specific items, especially new products or items in competitive categories.

Sponsored Brands

Sponsored Brands (formerly known as Headline Search Ads) are another advertising option on Amazon, allowing brand owners to promote their brand and multiple products through customizable ads. These ads typically appear at the top of, alongside, or within search results, and can include a brand logo, a custom headline, and a selection of products. This type of advertising is designed to increase brand awareness and can direct customers to a custom landing page or a Brand Store on Amazon, thereby enhancing brand visibility and potentially driving more sales.

Sponsored Display

Sponsored Display ads are a form of Amazon advertising that allows sellers and brands to reach and retarget customers both on and off Amazon with auto-generated, product-focused ads. These ads can appear on Amazon, on third-party websites, and in apps. Sponsored Display utilizes customer shopping signals, such as views or previous purchases, to target ads more effectively. This type of advertising is beneficial for increasing product and brand visibility, driving repeat purchases, and reaching customers outside of the Amazon platform.

PPC (Pay-Per-Click)

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) is an advertising model used by Amazon where advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. This model is central to Amazon’s Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands. PPC campaigns on Amazon allow sellers to bid on keywords, with ad placement typically awarded to the highest bidder within a set budget. This approach enables sellers to have control over their ad spend and offers a direct way to measure the effectiveness of their advertising efforts in driving traffic to their product listings.

ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sales)

Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS) is a key metric on Amazon that represents the percentage of direct sales generated from Amazon advertising relative to the amount spent on that advertising. Calculated as (Ad Spend ÷ Sales) x 100, ACoS is used to assess the efficiency and profitability of Amazon advertising campaigns. A lower ACoS indicates a more cost-effective campaign, whereas a higher ACoS might suggest the need for optimization in pricing, keywords, or ad spend.

CPC (Cost Per Click)

Cost Per Click (CPC) is a metric in Amazon advertising that represents the actual price paid for each click on an ad. In Amazon’s PPC model, sellers bid for keywords, and the CPC is determined by the competitive landscape of these bids. The CPC can vary greatly depending on the competitiveness of the keyword, product category, and overall market demand. Sellers use CPC to manage their ad spend and to strategize their bidding on specific keywords for better return on investment.


In the context of Amazon advertising, Impressions refer to the number of times an ad is displayed or viewed. It doesn’t necessarily mean the ad was clicked, but rather how often it was visible to potential customers. Impressions are a vital metric as they indicate the reach and visibility of an ad. High impressions can lead to increased brand awareness and are crucial for gauging the effectiveness of ad targeting and visibility on the platform.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Click-Through Rate (CTR) in Amazon advertising measures the effectiveness of an advertisement by calculating the percentage of people who click on an ad after viewing it. It is determined by dividing the number of clicks an ad receives by the number of times it’s shown (impressions), then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage. A higher CTR indicates that an ad is relevant and appealing to the target audience. Monitoring CTR helps sellers optimize their ads for better engagement and is crucial for adjusting keywords, ad copy, or imagery to improve ad performance.

Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate in the context of Amazon advertising refers to the percentage of clicks on an advertisement that result in a purchase. It is calculated by dividing the number of conversions (sales) by the number of clicks the ad receives and then multiplying by 100. This metric is key for understanding the effectiveness of ads in driving actual sales. A high conversion rate suggests that the ad is not only attracting attention but also compelling customers to make a purchase, indicating successful targeting and ad quality.

Ad Campaigns

Ad Campaigns on Amazon are structured sets of advertising activities designed to promote products or brands. An Amazon ad campaign typically consists of a specific goal, target audience, budget, and duration. Within each campaign, sellers can run various ad types such as Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display. Effective campaign management involves selecting the right product or brand to promote, choosing appropriate keywords, setting a budget, and continuously monitoring and adjusting the campaign based on performance metrics.

Keyword Bidding

Keyword Bidding in Amazon advertising is the process where sellers bid on specific keywords to position their ads in search results. When setting up ads, sellers choose keywords relevant to their products and set a bid amount – the maximum they are willing to pay each time someone clicks on their ad. Amazon’s advertising platform uses these bids in a real-time auction to determine ad placement. Effective keyword bidding requires balancing the bid amount with the expected return on investment, considering factors like keyword relevance, competition, and budget constraints.

Negative Keywords

Negative Keywords are a feature in Amazon’s advertising platform that allows sellers to exclude certain keywords from their ad campaigns. By specifying negative keywords, sellers can prevent their ads from showing up in searches that are not relevant to their products, thus improving targeting and efficiency. This can help reduce wasted ad spend on irrelevant clicks and improve the overall effectiveness of the campaign by focusing on more profitable and relevant search queries.

Ad Placement

Ad Placement on Amazon refers to where an advertisement is shown on the platform. This can include placements within search results, on product detail pages, or on other pages within Amazon’s website and apps. Placement is influenced by factors like the relevance of the ad to the search query, the bid amount, and the ad’s past performance. Effective ad placement is crucial for visibility and can significantly impact the ad’s click-through and conversion rates.

Ad Groups

In Amazon advertising, Ad Groups are subsets within a campaign that allow sellers to organize their ads based on similar products or keywords. Each ad group can contain a set of products and keywords that are closely related, allowing for more targeted and effective advertising. This organization helps sellers to tailor their ads more precisely, track performance at a more granular level, and make more informed decisions about adjustments to bids, keywords, and ad content.

Amazon SEO

Keyword Research

Keyword Research in the context of Amazon SEO involves identifying words and phrases that potential customers use when searching for products on Amazon. This process is crucial for optimizing product listings and ads to match these search queries. Effective keyword research helps sellers understand the language and search habits of their target audience, uncover high-traffic and relevant keywords, and use these insights to improve visibility and ranking in Amazon’s search results. Tools like Amazon’s own search bar suggestions are commonly used for this purpose.

Search Term Optimization

Search Term Optimization on Amazon refers to the strategic use of relevant keywords within a product listing to improve its visibility and ranking in search results. This involves incorporating selected keywords into various elements of a listing, including the title, bullet points, description, and backend search terms. The goal is to align the listing with the search queries of potential buyers, making it more likely for the product to appear in relevant searches, thus increasing visibility and the likelihood of sales.

Long-Tail Keywords

Long-Tail Keywords in Amazon SEO are more specific and often lengthier search terms that have lower search volume but higher conversion rates due to their specificity. These keywords are less competitive compared to broad, high-volume keywords and allow sellers to target niche audiences more effectively. Using long-tail keywords in product listings can attract more qualified traffic, as these terms often indicate a higher intent to purchase. They are an essential component of a comprehensive Amazon SEO strategy.

Amazon Algorithm (A9)

The Amazon Algorithm, commonly referred to as A9, is the complex system that Amazon uses to determine the ranking of products in its search results. A9 analyzes a variety of factors, including keyword relevance, customer behavior, pricing, availability, sales history, and customer reviews, to decide which products are most relevant to a given search query. Understanding and optimizing for the A9 algorithm is crucial for sellers to improve their product’s visibility and ranking on Amazon.

Search Volume

Search Volume in Amazon SEO refers to the number of times a specific keyword or phrase is searched for on Amazon within a given timeframe. High search volume indicates popular keywords that many customers are using, which can be highly competitive. Conversely, low search volume might indicate niche terms. Knowing the search volume of keywords helps sellers to estimate the potential traffic they can attract and to prioritize keywords in their SEO and advertising strategies.

Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis on Amazon involves examining the strategies and performance of competing sellers in the same market or product category. This includes analyzing their product listings, prices, customer reviews, SEO tactics, and advertising strategies. By understanding what competitors are doing well or lacking, sellers can identify opportunities to improve their own listings, adjust pricing strategies, enhance SEO efforts, and differentiate their products to gain a competitive edge.

Rank Tracking

Rank Tracking in Amazon SEO is the process of monitoring where a product listing appears in Amazon search results for specific keywords over time. This practice is crucial for understanding the effectiveness of SEO strategies and making necessary adjustments. Sellers use rank tracking to gauge the impact of changes made to listings, analyze trends, and identify how their products perform against competitors. Consistent rank tracking helps in fine-tuning SEO efforts to improve or maintain product ranking on Amazon.

Reviews and Ratings

Product Reviews

Product Reviews on Amazon are written evaluations and ratings given by customers who have purchased a product. These reviews typically include comments on the product’s performance, quality, and overall satisfaction, along with a star rating. Product reviews are vital for Amazon sellers as they provide social proof, influence purchase decisions of potential buyers, and can impact a product’s visibility and ranking in search results. Positive reviews can significantly enhance a product’s credibility and sales potential, while negative reviews can have the opposite effect.

Seller Feedback

Seller Feedback on Amazon is the rating and comments provided by customers regarding their experience with a seller, separate from the product itself. This feedback covers aspects like the seller’s communication, shipping speed, packaging quality, and responsiveness to customer inquiries or issues. Positive seller feedback contributes to a seller’s reputation and trustworthiness on Amazon. It can influence the seller’s ability to win the Buy Box and is closely monitored by Amazon as part of its commitment to maintaining high customer service standards.


Ratings on Amazon refer to the 1 to 5-star scale used by customers to evaluate both products and sellers. In the context of products, a rating is a quick, quantitative measure of customer satisfaction with the product itself. For sellers, the rating reflects the customer’s satisfaction with their overall experience with the seller. Ratings are an essential part of Amazon’s feedback system, providing a snapshot of performance and satisfaction levels, and they are often the first metric potential customers consider when making purchasing decisions.

Review Management

Review Management on Amazon involves monitoring and responding to customer reviews and feedback for both products and seller performance. Effective review management includes acknowledging positive reviews, addressing negative feedback constructively, and using customer insights to improve product offerings and customer service. It is a crucial aspect of maintaining a positive reputation on Amazon, as well as identifying areas for improvement. Proactive review management can enhance customer trust, resolve issues, and ultimately contribute to better sales performance and brand loyalty.

Amazon Vine

Amazon Vine is an invitation-only program where selected Amazon customers receive free products and provide honest and unbiased reviews for these products. Amazon invites trusted reviewers, known as Vine Voices, based on their reviewer rank which reflects the quality and helpfulness of their reviews as judged by other Amazon customers. Participating sellers and vendors provide products to Amazon Vine at no cost (apart from enrollment fees if applicable), and in return, they receive reviews that can help jumpstart product visibility and credibility. These reviews are identified on the product page with a green “Vine Customer Review of Free Product” badge. This program is particularly beneficial for new or lesser-known products needing early reviews to build shopper trust and improve their appeal on the marketplace.

Amazon Analytics and Reporting

Sales Reports

Sales Reports on Amazon provide a detailed breakdown of a seller’s completed transactions within a specific time frame. These reports typically include information on the number of items sold, revenue generated, and any returns or refunds processed. They allow sellers to analyze their sales performance, track trends, and make informed decisions about inventory and pricing strategies.

Traffic Reports

Traffic Reports on Amazon give insights into the number of visitors that a seller’s product listings receive. They can include data on page views, sessions, and unique visitors. Traffic reports are crucial for understanding customer engagement and the effectiveness of marketing efforts. They help sellers identify which products are attracting more attention and may require additional promotional efforts.

Conversion Reports

Conversion Reports on Amazon show the percentage of visitors to a product listing who make a purchase. These reports help sellers understand how effectively their listings convert interest into sales. Conversion rates can be influenced by various factors, including price, customer reviews, product descriptions, and quality of images. Sellers use conversion reports to optimize their listings and improve sales performance.

Business Reports

Business Reports on Amazon offer comprehensive data on a seller’s overall business performance on the platform. These reports can include metrics on sales, returns, orders, inventory levels, and buyer demographics. Business reports are instrumental for strategic planning, as they provide sellers with actionable insights to drive business growth and improve customer satisfaction.

Inventory Reports

Inventory Reports on Amazon help sellers track their stock levels, manage inventory health, and plan for replenishment. These reports can provide information on inventory age, turnover rates, and potential excess stock or stockout situations. Effective inventory management is critical to maintaining optimal stock levels, avoiding storage fees, and ensuring products are always available for purchase.

Amazon Policies and Compliance

Amazon’s Terms of Service

Amazon’s Terms of Service (ToS) constitute the rules and guidelines that govern the use of the Amazon platform by sellers and buyers. For sellers, it includes policies on account setup, product listings, pricing, intellectual property, and adherence to Amazon’s performance metrics. Violating these terms can result in penalties ranging from listing removal to account suspension. It’s essential for sellers to understand and comply with the ToS to maintain a successful selling presence on Amazon.

Category Restrictions

Category Restrictions on Amazon are limitations set by the platform on certain categories of products that require pre-approval before a seller can list products within them. These restrictions are in place to ensure product quality and safety, and to maintain trust with customers. Categories that commonly have restrictions include, but are not limited to, groceries, dietary supplements, and cosmetics. Sellers must apply and meet specific requirements, which may include providing invoices, certifications, and additional fees, to get approval to sell in these categories.

Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property (IP) on Amazon refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names, and images used in commerce. Amazon has strict policies to protect the IP rights of individuals and companies. Sellers are required to ensure they have the necessary rights to sell products and that their listings do not infringe upon the IP of others. Violations can lead to legal consequences and enforcement actions by Amazon, such as listing removal or account suspension.

Counterfeit Products

Counterfeit Products are unauthorized replicas or copies of genuine products that are sold under the brand name without permission. Amazon has a zero-tolerance policy against counterfeit goods. It employs various measures to detect and prevent the sale of counterfeit products on its platform. Sellers found to be listing counterfeit products can face severe penalties, including legal action, account suspension, and forfeiture of goods and profits from sales.

Product Safety Compliance

Product Safety Compliance on Amazon ensures that all products sold on the platform meet specific safety standards and regulations. Sellers must comply with all relevant local, national, and international safety regulations, including labeling requirements, testing certifications, and hazardous material identification. Non-compliance can result in listing removal, account suspension, and potential legal liabilities. Amazon may require documentation proving compliance as a condition for allowing the sale of certain types of products.

Marketplace Management

Brand Registry

Amazon Brand Registry is a program that provides brand owners with enhanced tools to protect their intellectual property and create a more accurate and trusted experience for customers on Amazon. It allows registered brands to have greater influence and control over their brand’s product listings on Amazon. Benefits include access to powerful search and report tools to find and report violations, and control over product information to ensure accuracy.

Price Management

Price Management on Amazon refers to the strategies and practices sellers use to set and adjust their product prices. Efficient price management is essential for remaining competitive while maximizing profit margins. Sellers must consider factors such as costs, market demand, competitor pricing, and Amazon fees. Tools like repricers can automatically adjust prices based on predefined rules or competitive dynamics.

International Selling

International Selling on Amazon involves listing and selling products on Amazon’s global marketplaces. This allows sellers to expand their business by reaching customers in different countries. Amazon offers various programs and tools to assist with international selling, including currency conversion, global shipping programs, and localization of listings.

Prime Eligibility

Prime Eligibility indicates that a product is available for Amazon Prime benefits, which typically include free two-day shipping, among other advantages. Products can become Prime-eligible by using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) or by qualifying for Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP), a program where sellers can deliver directly to Prime customers while meeting Amazon’s delivery standards.

Shipping Options

Shipping Options on Amazon refer to the various methods sellers can use to deliver products to customers. This includes Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), where Amazon handles the storage, packing, and shipping, or merchant fulfillment, where the seller is responsible for shipping their products. Amazon provides several shipping options to meet different customer needs, including one-day shipping, standard shipping, and international shipping services.

Tools and Software

Amazon Seller Central

Amazon Seller Central is the web interface used by brands and merchants to market and sell their products directly to Amazon’s customers. Those who use Seller Central are considered third-party sellers. They are in charge of setting up their own shop, managing inventory, setting prices, handling shipping (unless they use Fulfillment by Amazon), and providing customer service. Sellers on Amazon Seller Central have a choice between two types of accounts, Individual or Professional, which come with different fee structures and features.

Amazon Vendor Central

Amazon Vendor Central is an invitation-only platform used by manufacturers and distributors, where they act as first-party sellers. In essence, a business using Vendor Central sells its products in bulk to Amazon, and Amazon then resells them to the public, handling pricing, shipping, and customer service. Users of Vendor Central are often referred to as “suppliers” or “vendors.” Because Amazon takes on the role of the seller, it also assumes the risks and controls related to inventory and pricing decisions.

FBA Calculator

The FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) Calculator is an online tool provided by Amazon that helps sellers estimate their fees and profitability when using the FBA service. Sellers input information about their product, such as price, shipping costs, and product dimensions and weight, and the calculator provides a breakdown of FBA fees, which can include picking and packing, shipping and handling, storage, and customer service. The tool then compares these costs with those of fulfilling orders yourself (FBM – Fulfillment by Merchant) to help you decide which fulfillment method is more cost-effective for your products. This calculator is essential for sellers to understand the financial implications of using FBA and to price their products competitively while maintaining profit margins.

Additional Terms

Prime Day

Prime Day is an annual deal event exclusively for Amazon Prime members, featuring two days of special savings on a wide array of products from various categories. It’s designed to reward Prime members with discounts and to attract new members by showcasing the benefits of the Prime subscription service. Prime Day usually occurs in the summer and has become one of Amazon’s largest shopping events, often compared to Black Friday in terms of the scale of deals and customer interest.

Cyber Monday and Black Friday

Cyber Monday and Black Friday are two of the biggest shopping days in the United States, occurring after Thanksgiving. Black Friday marks the beginning of the traditional holiday shopping season, with deep discounts in brick-and-mortar stores, while Cyber Monday focuses on online deals. Amazon participates extensively in both events, offering significant discounts and promotions, making it one of the busiest times for Amazon sellers.

Holiday Sales

Holiday Sales on Amazon refer to the increased promotional activities and sales events that occur during key holiday periods throughout the year, such as Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Mother’s Day. During these times, Amazon features a variety of deals and often highlights gift-worthy products. Sellers can take advantage of these periods by offering promotions, optimizing their listings for seasonal keywords, and ensuring they have sufficient inventory to meet the surge in demand.

Lightning Deals

Lightning Deals are time-bound, promotional offers on Amazon where a limited number of discounts are offered on an item for a short period. These deals are featured on the “Today’s Deals” page and are available until either the time for the deal expires or all the available discounts are claimed by customers. Lightning Deals are a way for sellers to increase visibility and sales quickly, often clearing out inventory and attracting a large number of customers due to the urgency created by the limited-time offer.

Amazon’s Choice

Amazon’s Choice is a designation given to select products that meet specific criteria set by Amazon. It’s a recommendation for customers looking for high-quality, well-priced products available to ship immediately. Amazon’s Choice considers factors like customer reviews, price, and availability. Products with this badge typically have a higher conversion rate due to the added trust and visibility provided by the recommendation
